Annual Book Fair

Annual Book Fair

Come one come all! The Morrab Library Book + Postcard fair 2012 is this Saturday. There’ll be books galore: Old + new, from cheap paperbacks to collectable first editions. There will also be food + drink, a raffle and lots of vintage and collectable postcards. Pass the details on to all your pals and anyone you think will be interested. See you Saturday!

P L E A S E   C A N   Y O U   H E L P ?

On Saturday 22nd September, we’re holding our annual book & postcard fair at St John’s Hall. This event raises money for the library, through renting stalls and selling books, and is a good opportunity for us to encourage new members to join. We also rasie funds by selling refreshments on the day.
Can you help by supplying us with some sweet or savoury snacks? We have the sandwiches covered, but anything else would be much appreciated. If you are able to help out, please pop in to the library and let us know or comment on this post telling us your name and what sort of dish you are bringing. Then just bring it in to St John’s Hall on Saturday morning (22nd Setember.) Thank you very much.
We’re also keen to recruit any volunteers to help on the day – if you could spare an hour to do a bit of washing up or serving then we’d be very grateful. Please see Annabelle or Alex at the desk for details on this. Thank you!
Building update # 03

Building update # 03

It’s been a while, so we thought we’d better update everyone on progress with the building work… 

From our position on this side of the fence, it appears there’s just a massive hole. There is a massive hole, but it’s what’s going on inside the hole (the bits we can’t see) that is of great importance, and where work has really been moving on. We had a meeting with the council and the contractors yesterday, and heard all about the tricky, risky, dangerous and hugely important business of underpinning the existing building. According to TEC, this part of the work has been challenging – I won’t go into the technical details as they were plentiful and extensive – suffice to say: It’s complicated, but it’s also ‘well in hand’. The TEC team have been friendly, accommodating professional and willing to make every effort to work with the library and we are very grateful. It appears that after a slight delay, things are forging ahead, and that the team should soon be able to move out into the ‘new’ area, which will mean much faster and easier working conditions. 

We have been given a timetable, but for the next fortnight (while the underpinning next to the building is still ongoing) it is in flux. After this time, we should know more about timings and things will become a lot more predictable. In the meantime, we know for certain that the library will have to close to members for approximately four weeks (an incredibly short time really considering what’s planned) at some point while the old and new buildings are ‘connected up’, but we don’t know precisely when this four week closure will be. (Currently looking like some time in November but we aren’t making promises). We will also, unfortunately need to cancel many of our regular autumn and winter events, as until the new building is complete, we will be running on limited capacity, movement between areas of the library, and access. But we will update you with details of this as soon as they’re all worked out. Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience caused, but hope you understand and share our ‘short-term pain for long-term gain’ outlook. 

Also of note: The builders found a secret tunnel! A corridor running all the way around the building, thought perhaps to have been installed to keep the building dry and free from damp, but we think a smuggling tunnel sounds more exciting. See picture below.


While the Archive is out of action due to extension work, John Simmonds (archivist supreme) has joined Annabelle in cataloguing donations + new purchases for the collection. Double man/woman power on this task means we’ve all been one big cataloguing machine for the past couple of weeks, adding no less than one hundred and thirteen books into stock (and completing all the date labelling, spine labelling, card typing etc. that goes with it). Thus the acquisitions list for July is a long one…
To View the full list click here >>   Morrab Library Acquisitions // July 2012


Just a short, and slightly overdue post to say how much we all enjoyed hosting events for the Penzance Literary Festival last week. It was super to see the library full of people and the talks and other events we hosted were interesting and inspiring. Thanks to all who came and listened, who delivered talks and showed lovely pictures and who volunteered sitting on the door taking tickets – full round up and requests for feedback available through the lit fest’s website:

Building Update # 02

Building Update # 02

We’re now in week four of serious work on our extension and things are moving quickly. The right hand side of the building is now fully sealed off on the ground and lower floor, and the former downstairs loo has disappeared completely.  At least five skips have been filled and replaced with empty ones, only to be filled again, (and that’s just what we’ve seen). The railings have been removed, the Camellia and Cannon have been uprooted and moved to new spots in the gardens, and there’s a huge hole in front of the building which was concreted on Friday. As you can tell from this ‘update’ we don’t know the ins and outs or techical details of the work, but can only tell you how we’re experienceing the build and we’re very impressed with the work and workers (especially the skilful and unbelievable lifting of a massive skip-full of granite onto the back of a lorry which we witnessed while having lunch outside on Tuesday). Glyn and Bob have been sneaking in and photographing progress, a glimpse of which can be seen below…