Morrab Library Committee 2017

Management Committee (Trustees) 

Mark Penrose – Chairman
Melanie Whyms – Temporary Hon. Secretary
Hon. Librarian
Crane & Johnston  – Acting Treasurer
Dave Tigwell – Health & Safety
Peter Chapman
Martin Crosfill
Sue Nebesnuick
David Puddifoot

Custodial Trustees

Mary Ellery
David Mann
John Peak
Jenni Pozzi
Prof. N.Round

Morrab Library President: A.N. Wilson


About the Committee

The Management Committee (who are actually Trustees within Charity Commission Files) meet on the first Monday of each month. In addition Annabelle Read, our Librarian attends these meetings to present her monthly report. Our Hon. Treasurer compiles monthly accounts for the Library and presents these as well as providing financial advice for the Committee. Since 2014 our Custodial Trustees are invited to Committee meetings and receive minutes.

We also have a Finance Sub-Committee attended by the Chair, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Librarian. The Finance Committee meets quarterly or as required. Our annual accounts are reviewed by an independent external firm of accountants.

Sue Nebesnuick has been elected by the Committee as Publicity and Events Officer.

Our website will be managed and updated regularly by Katie and India.

We have a substantial list of volunteers who work on a regular basis in the Library carrying out essential tasks and helping the Library to run smoothly.

Each year we hold our Annual General Meeting – the 2017 AGM was held on Monday 6th March at 2pm at the Lugger Hotel, Penzance. This year, it will be held at the Lugger Hotel on Monday 5th March.