Penwith Futures Book

In November 2021 we launched the Penwith Futures book here at Morrab Library, a year-long community project to gather ideas and visions for a healthy, socially just and environmentally sound future, in one unique book. We launched this project during the International Climate Change Summit (COP26) which is being held in the UK this November at a pivotal moment in the world’s response to the climate emergency.


We are inviting those of you who live, work or have a special connection to Penwith to write down your most imaginative ideas and visions for a sustainable future. We would like your entries in writing, but they can take whichever form comes most naturally to you – narrative, story, essay, prose or poetry. You may include visuals if these help to express your ideas. We would like your contributions to the Penwith Futures book to consider the challenges ahead, with a particular focus on Penwith.  

How might we live and work in ways that protect our natural life support systems – clean air, water, healthy soils and biodiversity?

How can we reduce the natural resources we use and dramatically cut our carbon emissions? 

How can we ensure that everyone has a say?

How can we improve the health and well-being of all? 

No idea is too big or too small to be included in the Penwith Futures book.

You may dream of more footpaths so your children can walk safely to school, improving your well-being and reducing your car trips; perhaps you’d like to see our lovely beaches free from plastic rubbish or you have a delicious recipe for Penwith grown fruit and veg; perhaps you would like kinder ways for us all to talk together about a better future?

Over the course of the next year, we will be welcoming your submissions and full details of how to enter can be found below. Our library team will then gather your pieces into a unique book which will be held safe in the Morrab Library for all its contributors and future generations to see and share.

We hope that the Penwith Futures book will help to empower action in the community, inform decision makers and leaders, and will be too exciting to ignore.


  • Entries to the Penwith Futures book can be in narrative, essay, prose or poetry form and may include visuals if these help to depict ideas and visions. 
  • Maximum word limit is 400 words, there is no minimum. Any accompanying visuals must not exceed A3 size.
  • The deadline for entries is midnight on 4th November 2022. Entries received after this time will not be included.
  • You can submit one entry per person.
  • Open to all ages.
  • Entrants must live, work or have a connection to Penwith.
  • Please send your entries to with the subject line ‘Penwith Futures’ with your name and contact details in the body of the email, drop a physical copy in to the Morrab Library, Morrab Gardens, Penzance TR18 4DA with name and contact details attached, or fill in the form below
  • If submitting via email please attach your piece of writing to the email as a .pdf, .doc or .docx file. For any accompanying visuals please submit a scan or a photograph of your artwork at 300dpi as a jpg file.
  • Final editorial rests with Morrab Library. We hope to get many ideas and visions from a very wide range of organisations and individuals in the Penwith area. We cannot guarantee that all or part of every entry will be included in the final book but all contributions will be noted and taken account of.
  • All entries included in the book will be published anonymously. Contributors will be listed in the back of the book (unless the writer would prefer to remain anonymous).


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