It is with great sadness that we need to let you know for a second time that due to restrictions initiated by government authorities, the library will close today at 4.00pm (Wednesday 4th November) until we are given permission to reopen, hopefully in early December. We apologise for the short notice, the government regulations were only fully announced last night.
We’re aware it leaves virtually no time for you to visit to stock up on library books for the lockdown period, and for this we can only apologise.
If you have any library books out on loan, please don’t worry about returning them. As you know, we do not impose fines for overdue books, and rather than try to return them to the library when we’re not here (they won’t fit in our letterbox!), we would rather you held on to them and kept them safe until we are open again.
In the meantime and as before, staff will be working from home, and we can be contacted via email and social media. Unfortunately, we cannot forward the library phone number to another number, but we will check for voicemail messages every few days. So please stay in touch, and if we are able to help in any way, we will be very happy to do so.
We have some practice at this now, and we hope you get through this period safely and with minimal inconvenience and anxiety. We shall of course continue to send you our weekly links to help keep you occupied in the next few weeks.
We will miss you, and hope to see you again very soon. Please stay safe and take care.
Lisa, India, Sue, Tuna and the Trustees