It’s nearly time for the school summer holidays and we a have ‘Super Storytime’ planned for 4-8-year-olds on Wednesday 2nd August at 11am in the Reading Room.
We all know about Jack and the beanstalk and his adventures but here is your chance to learn about Jim’s adventures and how he helped, yes you read that right, helped the giant! Jan Pearson will be reading Raymond Brigg’s book and you’ll also get the chance to take part in some craft activities and games.
Super Storytime is a journey for 4 to 8-year-olds but there will be refreshments for the grown-ups they bring along! Booking is essential so please let us know if you would like to come along so we can make sure we have enough cake!
All children will need to be accompanied by an adult. Suggested donation of £5.
Contact us at or telephone: 01736 364474 to book a place. You’ll find our beautiful library in the heart of Morrab Gardens.