Mark Cottle has given many brilliant talks at The Morrab Library, and other venues locally, on subjects ranging from illuminated manuscripts to Arctic exploration. He always provides a Reading List for his fascinating talks and study days – and they formed part of the inspiration for our new series of ‘Reading List’ blogs published on our website following each of our Library talks.
Mark ran a Study Morning in the Reading Room on Saturday 14th September on the subject of the Bayeux Tapestry and the making of the Middle Ages.
The Bayeux Tapestry captures one of the great turning points in English history. William’s victory at Hastings, his reign and those of his two sons, William Rufus and Henry I were transformational. In just 69 years the foundations of medieval England were laid: feudalism, knights, castles, the Exchequer, great cathedrals. With the help of course files the team looked at a remarkable period somewhat overshadowed today by the Plantagenets and Tudors.
With the help of Harry Spry-Leverton, our Honorary Librarian at The Morrab Library, we have put together a display of some the books on Mark’s list, which will be on display for the next few weeks in the Reading Room.

I.Here are some of the titles we hold on the subject that are available to borrow, and their Dewey decimal number to help you find them – please do ask at the reception desk if you can’t find the book you’re looking for and we’ll do our best to find it. Or email the library ( if you’d like to reserve any.
F Barlow : William Rufus : 942.021
T Baker : The Normans : 942.02
D Douglas : William the Conqueror : R942.021
HWC Davies : England Under the Norman and Angevin Kings : 942.02
J Gillingham : William II : 942.021
C Hicks : The Bayeux Tapestry : Second hand shelf
C W Hollister : Henry I : R942.021
D Howarth : 1066 The Year of the conquest : 942.02
J Messent : The Bayeux Tapestry Embroiderers’ Story : 942.021
G Slocombe : Sons of the conqueror : R942.021
L Thorpe : The Bayeux Tapestry : R942.021
C Tyreman : Who’s Who in Early Medieval England : R942.02
D Wilson : The Bayeux Tapestry : 942.021 (Reference only)
The following suggestions are not currently part of the library’s collection but they may be available to borrow from the public library. If you have a copy that you would like to donate to us then please email
R Bartlett : England under the Norman and Angevin Kings.
R Bartlett : The Normans (DVD)
E Fernie : The Architecture of Norman England
E King : Henry I
E King : Medieval England
M Morris : The Norman Conquest
M Morris : William I
L Musset : The Bayeux Tapestry
Last month, we shared a reading list to accompany Dr Serena Trowbridge’s ‘Stories of the Stones’ talk featuring fiction, children’s novels and non-fiction available to borrow from the Library. You can catch up on this Reading List, and others, over on our blog